Time to Reflect and Take Action

With fall drawing near and daily news of crisis and need across the globe, it is a perfect time for both reflection and action. When was the last time your board reflected on the priorities and impact of your work? Self-evaluation and board reflection are important practices to strengthen your board’s ability to support the work of your organization. Does your board currently have a set of priorities guiding decision-making and resource allocation? If yes, how are you doing as a board putting those priorities into practice. If you desire to expand your services to a new community or program area, have you made progress toward the goals. How is meeting attendance? Are fundraising goals being met?

Next comes action. After a meaningful conversation reflecting on progress toward your priorities, explore what could be done to achieve more success. Then take action! Reach out to a community partner, more actively pursue recruiting new committee and board members, or refine the language on your communication materials to demonstrate the need and impact of your work.

And don’t take my word for it. The newly released Leading with Intent from BoardSource highlights that when boards regularly assess their performance they perform better on core responsibilities.

I would be remiss if I didn’t also encourage you to reflect and take action in your non-board life too. With significant community need arising daily from flood waters, wildfire, earthquake, and more… what are your personal priorities? what are your personal resources/your capacity to lend support? Have you taken action to align your priorities to the needs and opportunity for action? Find a local organization with a clearly stated mission and proven record of serving those in need, and if you can, give cash. If you have other resources, contact those in need and find the best way to meet their needs.

With the crispness of fall in the air, I welcome you to reflect and if you/your board/your organization would like a partner in the next step – please reach out. I’d love to support your work in your community.