Connecting Intention and Action

Over the last few weeks it has been inspiring to see all the action taken around the globe in response to community need. Clear intention in action. In crisis clear needs triggers specific action. It might be the need for food and water. Simple connected action – provide food and water. It might be unsafe conditions from flood, mold or other dangers where added protections can be provided to mitigate risk.

But at a time when significant needs face our community organizations, the specific action to address the issue or challenge might not be so clear. Rising costs do not necessarily correlate to the need to increase income. Ways to control costs while preserving the quality of programs and services might be available. Low attendance at community events might not be related to opportunities to spread the word or promote the event. Attendance may be a reflection of community perception or support.

This week I urge you to consider the specific goals and intentions in your current work. Perhaps you seek to grow the reach of a community education program by recruiting new attendees from a broader community. Perhaps you seek to increase the understanding of your financial model for all members of the board (does everyone know the size of the budget, the sources of income and areas of expense). Or perhaps you seek to increase the diversity of your board to include a broader spectrum of perspectives.

Now dig deep. Get curious. Ask why and why again. Seek to connect the most meaningful and impactful action to achieve your goals. And if you are seeking to make change in an area, I encourage you to consider opportunities to try different strategies. Comfort is nice, but achieving goals is awesome. Look to best practice to understand opportunities for growth.

Need a little help exploring an issue or finding the right questions to explore connecting intention and action. Curious if Embedded Strategy might help enhance your work. I’d love to help – please reach out.